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Guruvayurappan in London: A Celestial Presence

The Lord who loves, protects, nurtures, and safeguards devotees from all calamities – Lord Guruvayurappan, also known as Lord Krishna – now graces London with His benevolent presence. Imagine the embodiment of kindness, compassion, and care manifesting in the heart of the United Kingdom! This is the time to rejoice, participate and welcome the Lord at the very heart of the world – London.

Guruvayurappan resides within the hearts of the people from Kerala who love Lord Krishna. The tales of His miraculous deeds linger on the lips of many. He resides in countless homes, whether through His images or, at the very least, a peacock feather symbolizing His presence.

The supreme energy that sustains the universe, Lord Maha Vishnu, manifested the idol in His own perceivable likeness. Lord Brahma, the creator, entrusted this idol to His children – the Prajapatis, including artists, architects, and sculptors responsible for crafting new worlds (in this context, our Earth). Spanning centuries and traversing Yugas, the idol eventually found its way into the hands of Vasudeva, Lord Krishna's father. It stood as a reminder of the one who was yet to happen in his life, and his land – an incarnation destined to save Earth from adharma. Following Vasudeva's passing, Krishna Himself received and worshipped the idol. Sage Brihaspati took over its guardianship after the ocean swallowed Dwaraka, Lord Krishna's kingdom, after His physical departure. The land of Kerala was chosen by the celestial Guru Brihaspati as the abode for Guruvayurappan. The celestial architect Vishwakarma undertook the construction of the temple, and the consecration of the idol was performed by Lord Shiva Himself. Each year, hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals make pilgrimages to the celestial temple of Guruvayoor, where the idol's enchanting presence endures.

Guruvayurappan beats within the hearts of many, and I am confident that this temple in London will bridge people beyond caste, creed, culture, colour, and religion, bringing forth profound harmony, unity, support, and togetherness.

In our modern world, interactions and connections have narrowed to the confines of our mobile phones. We have become digital and phone addicts, causing harmony to wane in our homes and societies. The world thirsts for the connections that come from companionship, eye contact, and nurturing.

The Guruvayurappan temple will surely contribute to harmonizing London's society, dissolving all man-made barriers. The Guruvayurappan temple will, without any doubt, add value, totally selflessly, to London and the entire United Kingdom.

I wish all the team members who are selflessly working towards creating this temple and the projects henceforth great success. I am with you always.

Jai Shree Krishna.

Yours sincerely,
